How To Use A Mala for Meditation and Stress Relief

How To Use A Mala for Meditation and Stress Relief

How to use your mala with mantra to reduce stress and anxiety. 

(....and start to manifest the life you desire in the process)

Malas are for more than just their beauty. They can help reduce stress and anxiety. They are a tool for taking a minute when everything feels like it's weighing you down. Not only are they the perfect portable time-out-tool, taking a few moments to meditate frequently can start align your vibration with that of everything you are wanting to draw into your life (find out more about meditation and manifestation here). Feels like an all around win. 

Here's how to use your mala to start a meditation practice that will calm your mind and draw in the intentional, abundance filled life you desire. 
[Follow this ritual before your mala meditation to clear any negative vibes, deeply energize your intentions and become a magnet for the Universe's gifts]

  • Settle into a meditation posture - either seated on the floor with crossed legs, on a bolster, meditation pillow or with your spine upright on a chair. Get comfortable and lightly and energetically grow your spine tall. Try to hold your spine as straight as possible (not forcefully!) to move energy clearly through the spine.
  • Take your mala in your right hand. Place your middle finger under the first bead, closest to the Guru bead (the end bead), place your thumb on top of the bead. 
  • With your left hand palm up near your heart, let the rest of the mala drape into your hand.
  • Take a deep breath, call your mantra to mind and close your eyes
  • When you first begin practicing Japamala meditation, say your mantras out loud. Feel the resonance in your body.
  • Recite your first mantra while holding the first bead between your middle finger and thumb, slide the bead through your fingers and onto the next bead. If you notice you've stopped moving the beads through your fingers, you know your mind has wandered. Gently call it back to focus. 
  • Continue reciting your mantra while sliding one bead at a time through your fingers. When you reach the Guru bead again, you've completed one round of meditation with your mala.
  • You can take a moment to sit with your intentions and the energy you've created or continue for a few more rounds. Japamala meditation is sometimes recited for hundreds or even thousands of rounds. 

You can use this short meditation daily to cultivate a practice and to continually tell the Universe the vibration you want to resonate with (what you put out is what comes back to you). 

Easy peasy!